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Fetal Doppler Device

QR 400

SKU: 099235
If you have an electronic fetal heart rate monitor, also known as a fetal Doppler, you can check your baby’s heartbeat during your pregnancy. The fetal Doppler gives you an opportunity to connect with your baby by listening to his or her heartbeat. It does not give a medical diagnosis
If you have an electronic fetal heart rate monitor, also known as a fetal Doppler, you can check your baby’s heartbeat during your pregnancy. The fetal Doppler gives you an opportunity to connect with your baby by listening to his or her heartbeat. It does not give a medical diagnosis
إذا كان لديك جهاز مراقبة إلكتروني لمعدل ضربات قلب الجنين ، والمعروف أيضا بأسم دوبلر الجنين ، فيمكنك فحص نبضات قلب طفلك أثناء الحمل ، و يمنحك فرصة للتواصل مع طفلك من خلال الأستماع إلى نبضات قلبه


fetal doppler

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